Film Posters

Advertisment design 

The mission

Assemble a collection of film posters which resemble the overall themes of the story.
This was a self-appointed brief.

The Pianist

Roman Polanski

The Pianist has themes of both war and a piano. Therefore, I needed to think of a way to combine these two elements, into a singular object or image, to convey these two themes. I managed to achieve this by simply replacing the magazine of a weapon with keys of a piano. I added typography in the format of traditional movie poster layouts and a texture for the background to show the rawness of this movie.


Bong Joon Ho

This way of thinking influenced my other two posters. Parasite has themes of murder and deception. Whilst watching the film, I noticed how morse code was a key aspect. This narrowed my ideas down to combining morse code with murder. A classic visual indicator of murder is blood, which can be displayed as drops and morse code uses dots and dashes to communicate its message. This became the main subject. But, the poster did have to function as a movie poster, therefore I wrote ‘Parasite’ underneath it, but smaller, to draw eyes further into it.

Fight Club

David Fincher

This was the final poster I created. A prominent theme of Fight Club is dual personalities. I decided to work with this as my base idea point. From this, I learnt how to make a texture in photoshop, which could obscure the image behind it. The most challenging part was to line the characters face up with the other character’s body, to make it appear as one.
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